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Our Story

Kelly Stribling Sutherland

Kelly Stribling Sutherland

Debra White Doty

Debra White Doty


How We Started

Springamajig Press was conceived and created by Kelly Stribling Sutherland and Debra White Doty. In this time of isolation, we saw the need for encouraging personal connections through traditional note writing, and the importance of an inspiring live/work space. Our concept was to up-cycle artwork from our past and to share ideas and inspiration for creating and sharing new work.

Now, more than ever, we must find new and meaningful ways of reaching out. We are discovering the importance of HOME, the ways we stay inspired and how we want to live each day. Maybe you will find inspiration in the artwork on your wall, or in a note tucked away in a drawer and later rediscovered. 

There is beauty and encouragement in a card that inspires a written expression.

We’re just getting started… follow us on Facebook and Instagram to discover what’s next.